Before deciding whether to sell your luxury watch privately or through an auction house, make sure you understand how much money you will receive for it. To find out how much money you can expect to receive, use a price guide to estimate the value of your watch. Then, multiply the estimated value by the percentage of the reserve price you set. Finally, add the total to the current market value of your watch.
Luxury watches are awesome. They are also expensive which is why some people elect to buy them second-hand. Others opt to sell a luxury watch if they’re in a pinch, are looking to make a profit, or simply get tired of owning the watch.
There are 5 things to consider when selling a luxury watch for cash. Read on to discover what you should know before making the decision to sell your watch.
#1 – Know what you’ve got. When you sell your luxury watch, you’ll want to be aware of what it’s comprised of. Is it 14K gold? Does it have diamonds on it?
#2 – Know how old it is. If your luxury watch is vintage, find out exactly how old it is. Antique luxury watch buyers are interested in the age of your piece since that will help to determine the value of it.
#3 – Know the era. Your luxury watch may be a modern piece, but if it’s vintage, when you sell your vintage watch, it’s helpful to research what era it is from. Luxury watch buyers who specialize in antique versions place special emphasis on certain eras such as the Civil War era and so forth.
#4 – Be aware of the condition. The condition of your luxury watch is ultra-important to a luxury watch buyer. If it needs repair, you may want to consider having it fixed before attempting to sell it to a dealer.
#5 – Keep it clean. It is worth spending the time and effort to clean your watch until it is spic and span. Luxury watch buyers don’t pay as much attention to pieces that are dirty and grimy as they do those that sparkle and shine.
Where you sell your luxury watch has a lot to do with how you prefer to go about it. If you are wanting to sell in person, it’s best to go with a local buyer. To find one near you, simply conduct an online search for “luxury watch buyers near me” or, if your watch is not an antique, search for “watch buyers near me.”
Many people like the simplicity of selling online. If you are one of them, you can search for online luxury watch buyers. Do be careful because the internet is a hunting ground for some crooked people who pose as reputable luxury watch buyers.
Regardless of whether you are looking for “luxury watch buyers near me” or online, do your research on any firm or individual you intend to do business with. Check their credentials, the length of time they have been online or in their physical store, see if they have any BBB complaints against them, and read the feedback reviews on their site as well as third-party sites.
Once you have narrowed down a few of your favourite luxury watch buyers, make contact with them. If you are treated rudely or feel pressured, move on. The remaining candidates are those you’ll want to do business with. Get several appraisals on your watch and then, if you choose to sell, go for it.
Buying and selling luxury watches is becoming more popular than ever. Not all buyers and sellers are trustworthy, however. The excellent suggestions from the experts that are outlined above will help keep you safe when you are selling your luxury watch. If you are buying a vintage luxury watch, you can follow the same tips. Doing so will help ensure your experience is a pleasant and perhaps even profitable one.